About the Pembroke Pickleball Club


Pembroke Pickleball Club Founder, Dr Richard Hobart was first introduced to Pickleball at a cottage on the Ottawa River in the late 1980’s but it wasn’t until many years later when he had a heart attack and could no longer play volleyball and tennis competitively that he began exploring exercise options and Pickleball became a passion. After reading an inspiring article on Pickleball as a sport that was attracting seniors despite age, joint and heart issues and was becoming wildly popular he began a ten year journey which accumulated in the fully formed and functioning Pembroke Pickleball Club.

In 2015 with some advice from City of Pembroke staff a site plan for the Kinsmen Athletic Courts was submitted to the Director of Pembroke Parks and Recreation for consideration. The Plan was approved. Dr. Hobart purchased parking lot line striping paint, swept the courts, and measured out 3 pickleball courts at Kinsmen Courts. He chalked the lines and painted them using the Pembroke Animal Hospital parking lot line striping machine. A portable pickleball net set was donated and the City of Pembroke supplied 2 more net sets, 16 club-grade paddles, and a box to lock and secure the equipment. Players continue to play on these same courts from May until late in the fall almost everyday both in the morning and on some evenings.

Players were keen to continue playing in the winter so initial arrangements for the group to rent gym time at Champlain Discovery School were made. In 2019 when a Club had to be formed for collecting money to pay the rent an initial Board of Directors consisting of Dr Richard Hobart, Drew Scott, John Lehman, Kirk Iredale, and Rose Donnelly was formed. A draft constitution was adopted to support formation. The Club in 2019 supported a membership of around 40 members who played socially both indoors and outdoors, enjoying socialization, growing their pickleball skills and having lots of fun.

During COVID years the Club members played Pickleball for a while at the Pembroke Memorial Center, with City support, and then outdoors in a City parking lot downtown on chalked court lines. It was a time when this socialization in a safe environment was appreciated and helped members make it through the isolation demanded by COVID.

Once things returned to a new normal, outdoor play continued at the Kinsmen Courts supported by The City of Pembroke. The Club was fortunate to find a more permanent place to play indoors through the generous support of Pastor Paul Perry and the Pembroke Pentecostal Tabernacle Church.

The Club now plays all year round indoors and outdoors offering sessions several days of the week both during the day and on some evenings.

In 2024 the Pembroke Pickleball Club had approximately 100 members and welcomed players from all across the Valley. Play is more formalized as is the scheduling of sessions but what hasn’t changed is the love of playing Pickleball, the wonderful opportunity for socialization and the fun that happens around exercising and learning this awesome game.

Meet Our Board of Directors


To promote the sport of pickleball in Pembroke by:

  • Securing venues and equipment for 4 season play
  • Developing skills and mentoring
  • Providing affordable play at various levels
  • Promoting community through social aspects with club events


The Pembroke Pickleball club’s member’s are physically active, and help create a healthy community by using pickleball play as recreation, as a sport, and as a wholesome way to meet and interact with people


Inclusiveness – Civil, open, and honest communication

Providing well being through engagement in healthy , social and physical activity

Bylaws - Constitutions


Name and Purpose

The name of this club shall be Pembroke Pickleball Club (“Club”).


With these Bylaws, the Board is empowered to make policies and procedures to manage the affairs of the Club, to discipline Members, and to manage disputes within the Club.

Article I – Membership

1.) Membership will be open to all adults 18+ of Pembroke and area regardless of sex, creed, colour, sexual orientation, or religious belief who are in compliance with the behaviour and ethical standards of the Club.

2.) All voting members who are paid up at the time a resolution is made at a duly authorized meeting shall have one vote; all votes are to be cast in person unless the executive accepts a proxy vote for exceptional reasons.

3.) All members must abide by the constitution, bylaws, rules, and guidelines published by the Club; failure to comply may result in termination of membership on authority of the board of directors (“board”).

4.) There shall be nominated and duly elected any positions where vacancies occur or terms are expired to assure a minimum of three to a maximum of seven directors and of them there shall be the following officers: President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, Director(s) at Large. Taken together the officers and directors are deemed to be the executive (“executive”) of the Club.

5.) Should an executive member or director vacate their position during the year; the Executive may, at their discretion, appoint for the balance of that year another member in good standing to replace that person. The newly appointed person shall have the same rights and responsibilities of the person who has vacated their position.

Article III – Officers and Directors Duties and Powers

1.) Officers and directors shall meet at their discretion during the year to make decisions and carry out tasks in furtherance of Club aims and purpose. Officers and directors shall report to the members upon request and in a timely way such as publication of the minutes of directors’ meeting.

2.) The executive shall be composed of the officers and directors; they shall have a quorum of at least 50% plus one of directors at executive meetings.

3.) The executive may at their discretion, appoint committees of members to address various club interests and needs such as the liaison with the City of Pembroke/Parks and Recreation department, the set up and running of tournaments, education of the public to the sport of pickleball.

4.) Committee chairs shall report to the executive and, on request of the executive, to members at large.

5.) The executive shall act only in the best interest of the Club and must disclose any conflict of interest that may arise. No member of the executive may vote on a matter where there is a conflict of interest.

6.) All shall serve without remuneration, but a member of the Executive Board shall be reimbursed for all expenses necessary and reasonably incurred by them while engaged in the affairs of the Club. No Director shall be relieved of any obligation to pay annual fees normally payable by the membership. Members of the Executive Board shall be responsible for enforcement of all Club rules, policies, and By-Laws.

7.) If, for any reason, the office of President should become vacant during their elected term, the Vice-President shall automatically succeed for the balance of that term.

8.) The Officers and Directors serve two-year terms of office with no restriction on number of terms served.

Article IV – Proceedings of Directors

1.) A Director may at any time, and the President, on the request of a Director shall convene a meeting of the Directors in a timely fashion. Notice may be given either personally or by e-mail to the other Directors at such e-mail address as shown on the Register of Members.

2.) The President shall be chair of all meetings of the Directors but if at any meeting the President is not present within thirty (30) minutes of the time appointed for holding the meeting, the vice president shall act as chair, but if neither is present the Directors present may choose one of their number to be chair at that meeting.

3.) The Directors may delegate any but not all of their powers to committees consisting of such Director or Directors and members as they think fit. A committee so formed in the exercise of the powers so delegated shall conform to any rules that may be imposed on it by the Directors and shall report their activities completed in the exercise of those powers to the earliest meeting of the Directors.

4.) Questions arising at any meeting of the Directors and committee of Directors shall be decided by a majority of votes. In case of a tie vote, the chair of the meeting shall not have a second or casting vote and the question shall be defeated.

5.) All resolutions proposed at a meeting of the Directors must be seconded and the chair may move or propose a resolution. In case of a tie vote, the chair shall not have a second or casting vote and the resolution shall be defeated.

6.) An electronic vote by all the Directors and placed as a record with minutes of the Directors is as valid and effective as if regularly passed at a meeting of Directors.

Article V – Duties of Officers

1.) President. The President shall be the Chief Officer of the Club and shall preside at all regularly convened meetings of the Club and Executive Board. They shall serve as the official representative of the Club, with powers to delegate such duty. They are an ex-officio member of all committees.

If there is an Immediate past President. They shall be available for consultation by the President.

2.) Vice-President. The Vice President shall carry out the duties of the President in their absence.

3.) Secretary. The secretary shall conduct the correspondence of the Club; keep minutes of all General, Special and Executive meetings.

4.) Treasurer. The treasurer:

a) Shall receive all donations, fees, assessments and monies due to the Club, and shall report regularly to the Executive Board on the state of Club finances.

b) Shall keep full and accurate records of all receipts and disbursements made in the name of the Club and shall pay all accounts and bills of the Club by cheque, e-transfers, debit card, or credit card if issued in the Club’s name in accordance with the provision of By-Laws.

c) Shall maintain an up-to-date account of all invoices paid and deposit all monies received in the name of and credit of the Club, in a bona fide financial institution in the City of Pembroke.

d) Shall submit to the AGM a detailed statement of the receipts and disbursements of the Club for the financial year under review as well as a budget for the forthcoming year.

e) As approved by the Executive Board, invest such surplus funds as may accrue from time to time, allowing for their availability at reasonable notice in the event of a Club emergency.

f) Will keep safe all financial records of the Club.

5.) Directors at Large (maximum three). The Directors at Large will be available to assist; chair committees as directed by the President.

Article VI – Indemnification of Executive Board members.

Every Officer and their heirs, executors, administrators and other personal legal representatives shall, from time to time and at all times be indemnified and saved harmless by the Club from and against: any liability and all costs, charges and expenses that such board member(s) sustain or incur in respect of any action, suit, or proceedings that is proposed or commenced against them, in respect of anything done or permitted by them to be done, while acting in good faith in the execution of the duties of their office or position.

Article VII – Suspension or Termination

The Directors shall have the power, by a vote, to expel or suspend any member whose conduct shall have been determined by the Directors to be improper, unbecoming, or likely to endanger the interests or reputation of the Club. No member shall be expelled or suspended without notice of the charge or complaint against them and without having first been given an opportunity to be heard by the Directors at a meeting called for that purpose.

Article VIII – Signing Authority

Signing authorities for the Club shall be a). Written contracts, obligations, or instruments of the Club, which have been approved by the Executive Board, shall be signed by the President or alternate and one other officer. b). The funds of the Club shall be subject to withdrawal for the purpose of the Club, by cheque or e-transfer only, over the signature or approval of any two authorized signing authorities as pre-arranged with the Club’s Financial Institution.

Article IX – Borrowing

The Directors may not, on behalf of, or in the name of the Club borrow funds.

Article X – Bylaws

1.) On being admitted to membership, each member will be informed where a copy of the Constitution and Bylaws can be found.

2.) These Bylaws shall not be altered or added to except by Special Resolution.

Article XI – Financial and Dissolution

1.) The fiscal year shall be from January 1 to December 31. A financial statement for the past year should be produced by the Treasurer at the AGM and filed for review, approval of the members, and discussion purposes.

2.) On dissolution of the club all equipment and assets that have been lent shall be returned, and items donated shall be allocated to other Renfrew County clubs or Schools at the discretion of the executive.

3.) Any funds remaining with the club on dissolution shall be donated at the discretion of the Executive.


The Pembroke Pickleball Club, Board March 29,2024

The Pembroke Pickleball Club,Revisions approved July 10,2024 (pending)

Pembroke Pickleball Club Membership (approval pending)

Board Members - Code of Conduct

Policy Statement

Pembroke Pickleball Club Board is committed to teamwork and effective decision making to represent the broader interests of members and stakeholders.


In addition to the individual member Code of Conduct Club Board Members shall have the following:

Additional Responsibilities:
  • Act with honesty, integrity and conduct themselves in a manner that positively represents the Pembroke Pickleball Club and its members.
  • Respect the confidentiality appropriate to issues of a sensitive nature.
  • Ensure each Board member is given sufficient opportunity to express opinions and that all opinions are given due consideration and weight.
  • Ensure attendance at board meetings not missing more than 2 consecutively: attendance electronically is an accepted alternative to in person when needed
  • Prepare for all meetings by reading all materials and information provided.
  • Ensure a full and comprehensive understanding of board fiduciary responsibilities, bylaws, rules, regulations, policy, and the roles of each board member.
  • Endeavour to represent the broader interests of members and stakeholders.
  • Seek to balance executive contributions as both an advisor and a learner.
  • Is willing to be a dissenting voice, endeavour to build on other board member’s ideas and points of view as options to be considered.
  • Support, once a board decision is made, even if not your view. Shall communicate as one voice to members.
  • Shall not discuss or disclose differing opinions, sensitive information outside of board table.
  • Shall not release board documents without authorization outside of board table.
  • Shall disclose any involvement with other organizations, businesses or individuals that could be viewed as a conflict of interest.
  • Shall be prepared to provide all information, documents and associated materials gained during board terms to successors coming into the position.

Board members shall recognize that failure to abide by this Code of Conduct may result in disciplinary action. This may range from a simple discussion of the matter at hand to a warning to suspension or revocation of membership.


Each new Board member will be given the Board Code of Conduct as part of their orientation to their roles and responsibilities.

April 8, 2024 Approved Pembroke Pickleball Club Board

Adapted from:

  1. Pickleball Canada, Pickleball Canada Policy, Code of Conduct. April 9, 2019
  2. Governing Good, Board Member’s Code of Conduct 2021

Members - Code of Conduct

Policy Statement

Pembroke Pickleball Club (Club)shall use an adapted version of Pickleball Canada Code of Conduct.

Club members shall conduct themselves with respect for all individuals participating in Club programs, activities, and events.


The Club is committed to ensuring a safe and positive environment in all its programs, activities, and events by advising individuals there is an expectation, at all times of appropriate behaviour and of potential consequences for violating the Code of Conduct. This Code applies to all members of the Club.


All individuals participating in Club activities and events shall:

  • Demonstrate respect for every person regardless of physical characteristics, athletic ability, age, ancestry, colour, race, citizenship, ethnic origin, creed, disability, family, economic, or marital status, gender identity or expression, or sexual orientation.
  • Focus comments or criticisms appropriately and avoid public criticism of members, organizers, volunteers, or coaches, officials.
  • Consistently demonstrate the spirit of sportspersonship, sport leadership, and ethical conduct
  • Act when appropriate to correct or prevent practices that are unjust, discriminatory.
  • Consistently treat individuals fairly and reasonably
  • Adhere to the rules of Pickleball and the spirit of those rules.
  • Respect the property of others.

All individuals participating in the Club shall refrain from:

  • Verbally or physically abusing opponents, other club members
  • Any form of harassment, including sexual harassment
  • The use of profane, insulting, or otherwise offensive language
  • The use of power or authority in an attempt to coerce another person
  • Consuming alcohol, tobacco or recreational drugs while participating in activities authorized by the Club

Members shall recognize that failure to abide by this Code of Conduct may result in disciplinary action. This may range from a simple discussion of the matter at hand to a warning to suspension or revocation of membership.


The Code of Conduct shall be a part of the member intake process/ Waiver.

Approved April 8,2024 The Pembroke Pickleball Club Board

Adapted from the Pickleball Canada, Pickleball Canada Policy- Code of Conduct, April 9, 2019

Discipline Policy

Policy Statement

Pembroke Pickleball Club is committed to providing a safe, supportive, and respectful environment for members.

When an individual’s conduct demonstrates behaviours contrary to Club Bylaws, Code of Conduct, Club Policy/Procedures or unsafe practices the Club’s Disciplinary Procedure shall be used along with Article VII of the club bylaws.

The Pembroke Pickleball Club will use definitions of Pickleball Canada for Minor Infractions and applicable sections of Major infractions.

Minor infractions are single incidents of failing to achieve expected standards of conduct that generally do not result in harm to others.”

Examples of minor infractions can include, but are not limited to, a single incident of:

  • Code of Conduct violations
  • Disrespectful conduct such as outbursts of anger or unsafe play practices

Major infractions are instances of failing to achieve expected standards of conduct that result in harm to others.”

Examples of Major infractions include but are not limited to:

  • Repeated minor infractions.
  • Incidents of physical abuse
  • Incidents of harassment, sexual harassment
  • Incidents that endanger the safety of others
Procedure for Disciplinary Action

1)Upon receipt of a written complaint the complaints volunteer (Board designated) will review all relevant data and conduct a fair review

Disciplinary Actions

First offense the member may receive either a verbal or written warning.

Second offense the member shall receive a written warning and a statement of consequences which can include an enforced club membership suspension of from 2 up to four weeks.

Third offence the member shall be asked to leave the Club.

2) In extreme cases where immediate action is required the Board may exercise its right to terminate membership without warning.

Note: Article V11 of club bylaws -suspension or termination shall apply before a member is expelled or terminated.

Approved April 25, 2024

Pembroke Pickleball Club Board

Accident Reporting

Accident/ Incident Reporting

An accident or incident report will be filled out anytime during club play that a member requires a significant intervention such as referral to hospital or an ambulance called.


An accident/incident report form will be filled out by the session captain or designate to be used to provide details of the accident/incident and will include a short and concise factual record of what happened.

The appended form will be used to complete the report and a supply kept for session captains to access in the first aid bin.

The forms will be kept by the Board Secretary for a period of no shorter than one year.

Approved April 25,2024

Pembroke Pickleball Club Board

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