Fall Newsletter

Pembroke Pickleball website mockup on a Mac desktop
Pembroke Pickleball Club (PPC)

Picklers Points

Fall Newsletter September 2024 edition 1

Take a look!

a computer mouse connected to three w's, suggesting being connected to the internet
A big big thank you!

Thanks to Michael Engler, our sponsors, our web designer and all those who helped with the development of content for the Club’s website.  Club members are asked to visit the website and explore all the information there. Refer friends and family to take a look. This will be our new vehicle for sharing club  information both to members and to the public. There are resources available for general inquiries on the Club website: www.pembrokepickleballclub.ca so you can easily refer people to this site for general information and our email for specifics.

Fall Program

Our indoor Season 2024/2025 officially kicked off September 1, 2024 under the guidance of Michael Engler and supported by a great team of Session Captains who are committing their time and talents to support our play by answering questions and being a key resource. Session captains this year are:

Sherri Phannenhour, Peter Murphy, Debbie Lapierre, Rosemary Donnelly, Steve Moreau, Kevin Strachan, Lori Donnelly, Ann Fillmore, Sean McMullan, Michael Engler, Debbie Robinson, Susan Chisholm, Robin Knox, Sheila Mumford, Joanne O’Connor and Paul Desjardins. These great people are volunteering so we can have fun on the courts. We ask that you give them your total support in helping with set up, take down and cleaning duties . This is a volunteer club so everyone is asked to pitch in!

We just completed our membership blitz and wish to thank everyone for their prompt responses. We  have almost all membership spots full so intake capacity will be limited during the indoor season.  We ask that any specific inquiries around memberships be forward to our club email: pembrokepickleball@gmail.com as the answering of such requests is not simple. There are resources available for general inquiries on the Club website: www.pembrokepickleballclub.ca so you can easily refer people to this site for general information.

A chalk board with 'VOLUNTEER' written on it
Volunteers still needed

Floors and Maintenance 
Back up session captains
Fun activities

Please email your interest to pembrokepickleball@gmail.com

Spring/Summer Tournament Results
Tournament medals laid out on a white table
Congratulations to all the members who participated in tournaments over the spring and summer. Pembroke Pickleball Club was well represented.

Tourney Results:

In Picton: (3.5 men’s any age ) Silver Bryton Pleau, Michael Donnelly

In Amberwood (3.5 age 50+)Silver George Ostermeier  and Lorne Keon

In Peterborough and then Maynard, Silvers ( 3.5 age 49-64) George Ostermeier  and Lorne Keon

In Kingston at the Crystal Head Open Bryton Pleau and Michael Donnelly played in  their first tournament (3.0 age 19- 49) winning Gold.

In North Bay at the Pickleball Ontario Championship Series Gerry Perreault and Drew Scott played superbly in their first Pickleball Ontario tourney in  a very competitive 3.0 bracket aged 49-64 and Lorne Keon and George Ostermeier brought home Silver in 3.5 (age 49- 64.)

In Arnprior at the  Renfrew County Senior games Sandra Keon/ Dana Lawson(Petawawa) in Women’s Doubles won Bronze; David Kitchen(Arnprior)/Lorne Keon Men’s Doubles won Bronze.  Congrats also to Bruce Mitton, Debbie Robinson and Lori Donnelly for participating.

 In Deep River at Rally in the Valley, Gold to Lorne Keon and George Ostermeier (3.5) and Silver to Heather Wilson/ Kirk Iredale (3.0) Congratulations also to Debbie Robinson/Bruce Mitton who played so well in their first tournament experience.

a photo grid of tournament participators
Spring/Summer Tournament Results

Mixed doubles:

2.0 -2.25 Gold: Debbie Cloutier(no photo), Silver: Carmen Langlois, Bronze: Joanne O’Connor Participants:Darlene Porter, Jen Bawkes, Jeris Johnston, Peggy Kohls, Rose Throop, Tricia Darley

2.25 -2.75 Gold:John Prescott, Silver:Stephen Moreau, Bronze: Christine Jordan/ Beth Loback Participants:Jim Goos, Linda Mitton, Pauline Assinck-Wallens

3.0-3.25 Gold: Sean McMullan, Silver: Terry Lindenbach, Bronze: Sandra Keon Participants:Bruce Mitton, Kevin Strachan,Barbara Burger, Sherri Phannenhour, Donna Stokell, Mindy Lorbetskie, Rosemary Donnelly

3.25- 4.0 Volunteer of the Year:Dale Donner, Rookie of the Year:Jay Geddes, Most Improved: George Ostermeier Participants :Ian Garland, Peter Murphy, John Lehman, Lorne Keon

A grid of photos of club league winners with medals
Leagues will be returning in 2024 Fall/Winter.
A yellow background with many smiley faces drawn in black

Watch for the notice and join the fun!

People Places Pickleball
The First Pembroke Pickleball Club Board 2019: Richard Hobart, Drew Scott, John Lehman, Rosemary Donnelly and Kirk Iredale. Their stories!

Bringing people together to form Pembroke Pickleball Club

A photo of Dr. Richard R. Hobart

Dr. Richard R. Hobart

“I was first introduced to Pickleball  in the late 1980’s by a local educator who built his own pickleball court at his cottage/home on the Ottawa River.

Many years later I had a heart attack and could no longer play volleyball and tennis with the competitive intensity I had previously.  In 2013 I read an article  about Pickleball, a sport that was attracting seniors and how despite age, joint and heart issues it was becoming wildly popular and very competitive.  If they could play and compete then so could I!   

A couple of years later I joined a group in Cobden that was playing at the local arena and then moved on to another group in Renfrew. I liked playing outdoors and felt strongly that if we had outdoor courts available in Pembroke then people would come and play.

With some advice from Joe Brown, City of Pembroke, a site plan for the Kinsmen Athletic Courts was submitted to the Director of Pembroke Parks and Recreation for his consideration. The Plan was approved.  I immediately purchased parking lot line striping paint, swept the courts, and measured out 3 pickleball courts in the safest manner possible.  Lines were painted using the Pembroke Animal Hospital parking lot line striping machine.  I donated a pickleball net set and the City of Pembroke donated 2 more net sets, 16 club-grade paddles, and a box to lock and secure the equipment.

People started showing up and informally we started meeting on Tuesday and Thursday evenings.  I left for Vermont and Drew Scott, another keen pickleball player supervised things until my return in September.  People were keen to continue playing in the winter so Drew made the initial arrangements for us to rent gym time at Champlain Discovery School. In 2019 we had to form a club and start collecting money to pay the rent.  An initial Board  consisting of Drew Scott, John Lehman, Kirk Iredale,  Rosemary Donnelly and myself  was formed.  

And that is how we started to become the Pembroke Pickleball Club.  Before closing due to COVID we had about 40 people listed in our membership list.” 

Personal Stories
A photo of Drew Scott

Drew Scott

When did you start playing pickleball?
In 2018 Richard Hobart and I were in a business group (BNI) and we spoke about Pickleball from time to time. One day he introduced me to the game and I have enjoyed it ever since.

What kept me playing?
What has kept me playing are the friendships, competition, fitness benefits and the desire to want to improve my game ( as I age, the latter gets tougher!). 

Any advice to others?
When I am asked by others about the game and how to start I tell them to just jump in! I do not recall anyone who has tried this sport who didn’t like it right out of the gate.

A photo of John Lehman

John Lehman

 When did you  start playing pickleball?
I started playing pickleball one year before Richard Hobart brought the sport to Pembroke. A friend phoned me up one night and asked me if I would be interested in playing pickleball with him. I had absolutely no clue what he was talking about.  He explained that  it was sort of a cross between tennis and ping pong and thought that I would enjoy playing. So I reluctantly agreed to go and try it out. He was right . I was hooked.  I played that summer and fall in the  Westmeath  rink and then transitioned  with the same group of players over to the  school gym in Beachburg for winter play.

What kept me playing?
First and foremost what kept me playing was the fact that I was finally able to put the time into playing the sport. The previous ten to twelve years I had given up playing recreational sports for myself  because I had no time. During those years I was running to rinks, soccer fields, ball diamonds etc with my two kids. Sometimes six to seven days a week, often helping out  coaching or on  executive committees. But now that had all come to an end and I had what seemed like a ton of free time for myself.

I also kept playing because I enjoyed it. I had a bit of a tennis/racquetball background, so it was fairly easy for me to pick up. (Except for letting the ball bounce before hitting a return. That first year I was hitting the return shots out of the air so often that they started calling me “No Bounce John”.(Ask Westmeath  Randy or Sheila.)

Any advice to others?
Just have fun playing the game. I think that the most enjoyable pickleball games for me are the ones  when we are just keeping things light and are goofing around a bit. I think that’s why I’m not a big tournament guy. For me tournaments seem serious and stressful. I’m just out to bang the ball around and have some fun . I’m not looking to be the next Ben Johns. Don’t forget it’s just a game. Enjoy it.  Make sure that you leave every session with a smile on your face. A happy positive attitude will work wonders for your game and for your health.

A photo of Rosemary Donnely

Rosemary Donnelly

When did you  start playing pickleball?
I started playing pickleball  in Eganville with Kirk in 2018. I then began  playing in Pembroke outdoors at Kinsmen Courts with Kirk, Richard and a number of others. I was  involved before 2019 but went on the board a number of months after Kirk, when we were still looking for places to play. I went to the  curling rink with Richard ,Drew and Kirk as one option. We had board meetings in Drew’s Office at the beginning, then at Richard’s home.

I played in several places with the Pembroke Club as it started up  moving through all the places we had and played in them all except the  PMC( during COVID) because of my immunity issues.

What kept you playing pickleball?
What kept me playing was to be active, get exercise plus l had always loved playing sports. Plus the encouragement from  the other players there.
Will admit I struggled, l had never played any type of racket sport, my main sport was broomball, not even close to this but it eventually came and I enjoy  the sport and am pleased with the progress I have made personally and love the fun atmosphere.

Any advice to others?
My advice to others would be to persevere even if you don’t play well, do it for exercise and socializing.  We all need that as we age. It will come/ do not expect to advance as quickly as others do, don’t feel bad about that, some have sports backgrounds, some are just naturally athletic. Do it for yourself!

Photo of Kirk Iredale

Kirk Iredale

When did you  start playing pickleball?
I started playing pickleball when I lived in Exeter, Ontario in 2017 at the Exeter Community Center. My neighbour told me about the game but it took me three months to get to a court. Once I got playing I just loved it and started playing regularly. It was very popular in the region, I could drive in any direction and play, even in little villages. I played three to four times a week because you couldn’t go anywhere without finding available courts and fun people to play with. People were so welcoming and I had a sports background so picking up pickleball skills was easier for me, it came naturally and because I loved it so much I wanted to improve quickly so worked at it.

What kept you  playing pickleball?
The biggest attraction for me to the game is the social part, the fun you can have and also the fitness benefits. I  love to help others and teach; the sport lends itself to those aspects.

Any advice to others?
I will focus my first comments  on a few  technical tips for the game: Keep your paddle in the ready position and keep your eye on the ball; do not run backwards, many injuries are seen from this!  Anyone can pick  the game up and play even with limitations such as  physical restrictions. The limitations can be  in your  mind because you can learn to adjust your game.  Always have  lots of fun; if you are not having fun you are playing with the wrong people , that can happen. Finally pickleball is a game and people can sometimes lose sight of that perspective but not if you always bring that thought to the court. Enjoy your time and enjoy the people!

*Kirk Iredale is a certified International Pickleball Teaching Professional Association (IPTPA) level one instructor. If you are interested in learning more pickleball skills, techniques or the strategies of the game talk to Kirk.

Safety Initiatives
AED safety badge

Donna Stokell is working in collaboration with Pastor  Paul Perry, Pentecostal Tabernacle Church, owner of the AED equipment to complete policy, procedures and training for AED implementation in early Fall to support our Pickleball play in the gym. Training certifications include Emergency First Aid, CPR and Defibrillator Course and cost is $95.00 per person. (Cost of course will be paid by the Club)

Training date for certification: September 20,2024. If you have an interest you can contact us to see if any space is available.

The certification includes caring for a conscious or unconscious patient, shock, breathing problems, anaphylaxis, wound care, seizures, diabetic emergencies, opioid overdose, naloxone admin, CPR, choking techniques, heart attack, angina operating the defibrillator. Course is 6 hours in length and the  certificate is valid for 3 years.if there is anyone interested there may be a few spots in upcoming programs so please let us know by emailing: pembrokepickleball@gmail.com. Your colleagues may need you sometime!

We hope to be announcing the implementation date mid September .

Safety Volunteers Needed
"Safety" written on a chalk board

PPC seeks 2 volunteers for its Member Safety  Group. There are Terms of Reference  you can review . If you would like to inquire  just ask Donna Stokell who is the Chair for this group or email pembrokepickleball@gmail.com expressing interest. Help make a tangible difference in our Club’s safety focus .

Important Notice badge

September 2-8 inclusive the Pembroke Pentecostal Church is celebrating their 100th anniversary. We send them our heartfelt congratulations and thank them for including us in their plan of supporting the community.

The gym will be closed for pickleball Sept 2-8 inclusive to allow for the 100th Anniversary celebrations planned by the church.

Playtime scheduler etiquette
The playtime scheduler banner

Reminders: about playtime scheduler.
Notes made by a member are to relate to the session. Please be judicious in your use of the note section. 

Playtime Scheduler is a public forum, there may be notes required by the Club to assure external bookings are not made into Club sessions.  Available only to members, to identify session captains or other relevant information for the session. 

Since additional notes are sent out to every session member please use the tool wisely .With every tool its usefulness diminishes if overused.

Suggestions, opinions , comments about others or complaints do not belong in this public forum but can be directed to pembrokepickleball@gmail.com or specifically to the involved individuals.

Whenever possible please email only the session captain or the person who needs the information as opposed to posting a note for everyone.  The private email ( envelope beside the person’s name)is the best first choice to communicate within a session. 

If you post a note and it gets resolved you are able to remove the note by pressing the “x” in the box and follow the  steps to delete. The only person who can remove the message is the person who posted it. This courtesy assures that members do not have to weed through extra messages that are not pertinent to play or to them.

Guests ( Club defined as “drop ins” ) are asked to sign in themselves as they need to be a member of our Club in order to play indoors. Guest options will only be available for the master scheduling person setting up the session.

Remember also if you cannot play once you have signed  to remove your name as soon as possible so others can have a chance to join.

Club Fun Tournament

Many thanks to Ian Garland, Michael Engler and the volunteers who helped make this tournament possible. It certainly was a  fun time as a  club mixer. 

There were 46 participants. The focus was a  tournament for our own club members. We were joined by a few keen picklers from Petawawa and Chapeau who helped round out the pools.  Special thanks to our hosts The Upper Pontiac Pickleball Club who provided nets and helped by marking out courts 

Thanks to all for a great Day!

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